Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Breaking Dawn Movie Renesmee

Producer Wyck Godfrey told the LA Times that the movie Twilight Breaking Dawn will start production this fall 2010. He refused to confirm that it would a two-part movie, but he's been talking about something quite interesting: he talked about how they would bring Renesmee to screen.

Renesmee Cullen is the half-vampire, half-human daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. She's a kind of super-baby: she rapidly grows both mentally and physically, able to speak only seven days after her birth!

Many fans of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga have been wondering how Renesmee would be recreated, well, Producer Wyck Godfrey gives a beginning of answer:

"I keep having visions of 'Benjamin Button' in my head. It's certainly going to be visual effects in some capacity along with an actor. I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being a full CG creation, but it also may be a human shot on a soundstage that then is used to shrink down. I don't know. We need a director. When we get a director, that director will need to come with a point of view of how they want to tackle it."
Producer Wyck Godfrey

So to recreate Renesmee in the movie Breaking Dawn they're going to use the same kind of technology as what was used for James Cameron's Avatar: this means that Renesmee Cullen is going to look gorgeous!

By the way, production in Fall 2010 means that the release date of the first part of Twilight Breaking Dawn will most likely be in Summer 2011!

Update - October 6, 2010: Stephenie Meyer confirmed that Mackenzie Foy, a doll-faced 9-year-old newcomer, got the roole of Renesmee Cullen!